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Forms & Documents


 This table contains a list of purchasing forms and documents along with a description
Purchasing Forms & Documents  Description
Import-Export-Customs Information Explanation of the requirements and processes necessary to be followed when doing business or dealing with foreign countries
Competitive Exception Form  Use this form for Sole Source justification when purchase orders & contracts exceed $25,000.00
BCN Purchasing Contract Procedures Explanation and instructions for properly completing a purchase contract for goods and services. 
 Tax Exempt Letter  For a copy of the NSHE- Tax Exempt Letter from the Nevada Department of Taxation, contact the BCN Purchasing office
Credit Application Reply Letter For a copy of a letter for use in replying to requests for credit information, contact the BCN Purchasing office
NSHE Declaration of Self Insurance For a copy of the NSHE Declaration of Self Insurance, contact the BCN Purchasing office
NSHE Contract Requirements  List of required items that must be present and/or addressed in every contract 
Working With Foreign Entities  Guide to working with foreign entities and determining which tax form should be used
After the Fact Purchase This form is used when a purchase is made outside of policy and must be signed by the Dean (academic) or Director (Administrative) for auditing purposes.


 This table contains a list of Fixed Asset documents and forms along with a description
 Fixed Assets-Equipment Forms & Documents Description
BCN Equipment Loan Form This form is used for loaning equipment to NSHE employees.
MOU With Outside Entity This form is used for loaning equipment to an entity outside of NSHE. When submitting this form to the President, provide a cover memo detailing the reason for the loan and the benefit to the university. Dean's signature is required on the memo.
MOU Between Departments  This form is used for loaning equipment between departments within the same NSHE institution. When submitting this form to the Dean. provide a cover memo detailing the reason for the loan and the benefit to the university. Director or Chairman signature is required on the memo
MOU Between Institutions This form is used for loaning equipment between NSHE institutions. When submitting this form to the President, provide a cover memo detailing the reason for the loan and the benefit to the University. Dean's signature is required on the memo.
Vehicle Turn-In Form This form is used to properly dispose of their surplus vehicles.
GovDeals Vehicle Inspection  GovDeals Vehicle Inspection Form
Vehicle Title Instructions For instructions for obtaining a title for a NSHE vehicle, contact the BCN Purchasing office (775) 784-6552.
DMV Vehicle Inspection Certificate For a copy of the Nevada DMV Vehicle Inspection Certificate, contact the BCN Purchasing office (775) 784-6552.