Forms & Documents
Purchasing Forms & Documents | Description |
Import-Export-Customs Information | Explanation of the requirements and processes necessary to be followed when doing business or dealing with foreign countries |
Competitive Exception Form | Use this form for Sole Source justification when purchase orders & contracts exceed $25,000.00 |
BCN Purchasing Contract Procedures | Explanation and instructions for properly completing a purchase contract for goods and services. |
Tax Exempt Letter | For a copy of the NSHE- Tax Exempt Letter from the Nevada Department of Taxation, contact the BCN Purchasing office |
Credit Application Reply Letter | For a copy of a letter for use in replying to requests for credit information, contact the BCN Purchasing office |
NSHE Declaration of Self Insurance | For a copy of the NSHE Declaration of Self Insurance, contact the BCN Purchasing office |
NSHE Contract Requirements | List of required items that must be present and/or addressed in every contract |
Working With Foreign Entities | Guide to working with foreign entities and determining which tax form should be used |
After the Fact Purchase | This form is used when a purchase is made outside of policy and must be signed by the Dean (academic) or Director (Administrative) for auditing purposes. |
Fixed Assets-Equipment Forms & Documents | Description |
BCN Equipment Loan Form | This form is used for loaning equipment to NSHE employees. |
MOU With Outside Entity | This form is used for loaning equipment to an entity outside of NSHE. When submitting this form to the President, provide a cover memo detailing the reason for the loan and the benefit to the university. Dean's signature is required on the memo. |
MOU Between Departments | This form is used for loaning equipment between departments within the same NSHE institution. When submitting this form to the Dean. provide a cover memo detailing the reason for the loan and the benefit to the university. Director or Chairman signature is required on the memo |
MOU Between Institutions | This form is used for loaning equipment between NSHE institutions. When submitting this form to the President, provide a cover memo detailing the reason for the loan and the benefit to the University. Dean's signature is required on the memo. |
Vehicle Turn-In Form | This form is used to properly dispose of their surplus vehicles. |
GovDeals Vehicle Inspection | GovDeals Vehicle Inspection Form |
Vehicle Title Instructions | For instructions for obtaining a title for a NSHE vehicle, contact the BCN Purchasing office (775) 784-6552. |
DMV Vehicle Inspection Certificate | For a copy of the Nevada DMV Vehicle Inspection Certificate, contact the BCN Purchasing office (775) 784-6552. |